"Bodily Incarnation", a term coined by Deleuze's in his interpretation of the work ("The logic of Sensation") of English painter Francis Bacon, brings to mind the idea of descent (the spirit coming down) and flesh (the spiritual clothed in the body). Descent implies a movement in time and body, a destination.
The seven drawings from Wellington-based artist Robbie Motion on display catapult the spectator in a bizarre and dream like environment where a serene play between attraction-repulsion, time-space, motion-stilness and body-mind arises. The omnipresence of Baconion deformation in Motion’s work tickles our curiosity as to the reasons that stimulates his desire to use it.
The torsions he makes his figures undergo and the frequently used dark zones illustrate movement and directionality in time. The figures are, as it were, released from their bodies only to be absorbed into the silence of the activities around them. These activities are not always perceptible, as the frequent use of negative space. With fine tread of the pencil you can follow the lines of the figures and in this sense Motion differs from Bacon. Where Bacon employs a shock aesthetic, Motion uses the delicacy of his pen to sketch dreamy and tranquil scenes. Everything becomes one.
Video by Sam Wright
"Unsurprisingly, his paintings possess a languid, distorted quality that is at once melodic and unsettling"
Installation view
"Robbie leans into surrealist methodologies: figures and their limbs morph into another as silhouettes embrace creating a curious sene on the paper. Collaged facial features intrigue, with each aspect looking into a different direction"
- Dylan Foley, Gallery Manager and co-curator (BOOM Gallery)
Bodily Incarnations: An online exhibition of drawings by Robbie Motion
Past viewing_room