Kim Pieters
'wildrose bush', 2021Mixed media on board60 x 60 cmSignedSoldWandering lines, arbitrary shapes, poetic smudges and scratches dance between harmony and disorder, totally surrendering to the occasion. Big and small graphite doodles, which come across as improvised abstract gestures reminiscent of Twombly’s energy, subtly create an all consuming visual field. Intense mental activity is boiled down to light touches lending the paintings an ethereal, lyrical and deeply evocative quality.
Wandering lines, arbitrary shapes, poetic smudges and scratches dance between harmony and disorder, totally surrendering to the occasion. Big and small graphite doodles, which come across as improvised abstract gestures reminiscent of Twombly’s energy, subtly create an all consuming visual field. Intense mental activity is boiled down to light touches lending the paintings an ethereal, lyrical and deeply evocative quality.
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